Hello, I'm a software engineer from Virginia Tech!
Weiting Li
Software Developer/ Machine Learning Engineer
Weiting is a software developer based in Virginia, USA with a passion for building products he likes. He has a knack for all things launching products, from planning and designing all the way to solving real-life problems with code. Recently, he is graduating from Virginia Tech with a Master's degree of Engineering in Computer Science. His main interests are software development, blockchain, LLM, AI..
1997Born in Chongqing (重庆), China.
2020Graduated from the Bachelor's Program of Computational Modeling & Data Analytics at Virginia Tech
2023Graduated from the master's of Engineering Program at Virginia Tech
PresentLooking for a FT Software Engineer position (Fullstack)
Work experience
2018Undergraduate Research Assistant for Parallel Computing Group@VT
2021Machine Learning Engineer for VTTI (Virginia Tech Transporation Institute)
2022Deep Learning Engineer at Commonwealth Cyber Initiative
2023 to PresentWorking for ZenAI as Software Engineer intern
I ♥
Basketball, Music, Playing Guitar, Photography, Board Game, Competitive Video Games, Machine Learning